söndag 8 augusti 2010

The top selling whiskies of Sweden

Just back home after doing a tasting of the 12 best selling whiskies in Sweden for an article in the magazine (that's Allt om Whisky for you who weren't aware).
One can say alot about the massive interest in all things whisky in Sweden, but the fact that two of our three top selling whiskies are Canadian says a lot.

Not only are the canadian, but they - and I have to apologize to all my Canadian friends here - do taste like shit. Sweet as a liqeur, no body, absolutely no finish at all, and no character to mention. No wonder grandmothers of the country all buy this... this... alcohol.

Call me a snob, but I just simply can't get my head round why the top selling whiskies all are so bad?
Funnily enough, the tasting was built around a few people without any major whisky interest, but none of them found any of the 12 whiskies particularly exciting.

Ah well, I'm thinking that not even the world of whisky is free from the Lidl-mentality.